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The word of God is quick, it is powerful, it is sharper than any twoedged sword Hebrews 4:12. The word of God is God himself, He is a present help in time of trouble. When we are going through trials and tribulations in your life, pray the words, and the enemies will flee from you. The enemies are afraid of God and His words, because they are quick and powerful, and even harm and dangerous. Here are some prayer scriptures, to pray to support your prayer life, and gain spiritual strength in time of weakness.

Father you have given me the key in Mathhew 16:19 to bind and loose. I use those keys to bind and unlock, break and smashed, everything that hindered me, from fulfilling your perfect plans for my life.I decree and declare that every chain, rope, bars, fetters, is loosed, broken off, and removed from our lives in Jesus name.

Father Lord I thank you, that you alone is the judge over our lives, according to Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

Father I ask in Jesus name, according to Psalms 22:19 But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me. Father I ask that you will help us, and give us the patience to wait on your will to be done.

Father in Jesus name, your word told me in Isa 41-10-12 to fear not, for you are with me. Father you told me to not be discouraged; for you are my God: you will strengthen me, you will help me, you will uphold me with your right hand of righteousness. All those that incensed against me shall be confounded and be ashamed, They shall be as nothing,they that also war against me shall be as nothing. Father, I stand in agreement with your word of power, strength, assurance, and confidence, that you will protect your people from the enemies. You told us that vengeance is yours said the Lord, and you will repay the evil ones. Lord I praise you, I thank you, for your protection, and your word of power and deliverance. In Jesus name.

Father we thank you for your word that tells us in Job 5:12 that you keeps evil people from carrying out their plans so that they cannot do anything successfully against us. Heavenly father, I take authority of your word, and bind, cancelled, uprooted all evil plans of the enemy, and render them void, nullified, and cancelled in Jesus name.

Father in Jesus name, you tell me in Psalm 27:2 that “When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.” Thank you Lord for your protection. Thank you Lord, that you are watching over us. when the enemies comes to eat up our flesh, we have fallen weak, spiritual asleep, discourage, but your power in the blood has allowed the enemies to fall into the abyss.thank your merciful, and gracious God, for your everlasting love for your people.

Father your word tell me in Luke 10:19 that you have given me power, to trample over scarpion, and all power of the enemy, and nothing can harm me. Lord I use your power and authority, to break, smashed, crushed, uprooted, scattered to pieces, every plans that satan has formed against my life, family, ministry, home, relationship, finances, and all that belongs to me. I thank you Lord, and I claim complete victory in Jesus name.

Father according to your word in Job 6:8 said Oh that I might have my request; and that God would grant me the thing that I long for! Lord I pray in Jesus name that our request will be answer according to your will and time, and you will give unto us the things that are in your will for us to have.

Father in Jesus name according to Phillipians 4:6 you tells us to Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Lord I thank you, that we can come to you anytime in prayer to make our request known unto you.

father according to your word in psalm 23:1 You are my shepherd, and I shall not want or lack of any good things in our lives. You are the God that supply all of our needs. I confess according to your word, that you will not withhold any good things from your children. Father I claim all your benefits, both in the spiritual, and the physical. In Jesus Name.

Father you told us in your word, in Luke 17:6 that if we have faith like a mustard seed, we can remove mountains. Father I take authority of your word today, and remove all financial debts, obligations, every struggles, every hardships, every lacks, wants, and all interfering spirit that attack our finances, health, marriages, home, children, ministry, our jobs, and all that belongs to us. I bind, uprooted them from out of our lives, and cast them in the sea. In Jesus name.

Father you told me in 2 Tim. 4:18 that you the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” Father I thank you that you have deliver me from every evil works of the enemies, and preserve me for your heavenly kingdom. Father I stand in agreement with your word and bind every evil works, that done to my life, children, family, home, ministry,Health, finance, destinies, and all that belongs to us. I bind them from in the east, west, north, and, south, in the second heavens, the water, the fire, the air, the ground, the territories, the environment, and every places under the sun, the moon, the stars, and all other secret places that they are hiding. I released your word, blood of Jesus, and your name against them, in all these places, that they will be bound forever and ever amen.

Father I use the master key in Matthew 18:18that says, whatever we loose and earth will be loose in heaven. I loose myself, and all that belongs to me, from every chain, fetter, shackle, and ropes in Jesus name.

Father according to your word in Numbers 11:1. I stand on the authority of your word, and command fire to come down from heaven, and destroy every spirit of backwardness that the enemy has programmed in our lives. in Jesus name.

Father Lord according to your word in Joshua 1:8 I pray that your words will not depart from our mouth and hearts, but we will meditate on them day and night, that our ways will be prosperous.

Lord I pray that whatsoever things are pure, lovely, honest, true, if there be any virtue, or praise. I will think on these things according to your word, in Philippians 4:8

Father you told me in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of love, and a sound mind. Father I resist the spirit of fear, I refuse to worry, or be discourage. I use your power and authority over every plans, schemes of the enemy.
I claim complete victory over all powers of darknesses. in Jesus name.

Father your word said in Jer 23:29 " said is not the word like fire, "declare the Lord, "and like a hammer that break a rock in pieces. Father in Jesus name I use the fire of God to consumed, every evil that formed against me, and my love ones, in the east, west, north, and south. I use the hammer of God word to break every evil soul tie, blood connections, witchkraft, and all ancestors curses, that passes down to our descendant. I cover myself, and the third and forth generation, with the blood of Jesus. I release the blessings of the Lord over us, generational blessings, the blessings of Abraham, and all other blessings. In Jesus name.

Father in Jesus name. I put on the whole armor of God, the helmet of salvation, the breast plate of righteousness, the shield of faith, my loins girt, about with the truth, and my feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God according to Ephesian 6:10-18

I resist you Satan and all your evil spirit in Jesus name. You have no power over me and my love ones, because we are cover with the blood of Jesus, according to Revelation 12:11.

Father according to your word in Jer 30:17 you said that you will restore health, to us, and heal our wounds saith the lord. I thank you for healing us of our hurt, wounds, scars, and pain. I thank you for restoring us again. In Jesus Name.

Father in Isa 53:4-5 " you said by your stripe we are healed" Lord I thank you for your word, they are power, they give us strength, courage, securities, and healing in Jesus name.

Father I thank you, that according to your word in Psalms 46:1 you are our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. I thank you, that we can call on you in our time of trouble.

Father I stand in agreement with your word in Mark 3:27. I bind up the strong man, I break every barriers, ropes, fetters, shackles, chains, yoke of bondages, from off my live, love ones, and all that belongs to me. I command the strongman goods to be spoiled, now and throughout eternity. In Jesus name.

Father I thank you for you protection, you said in your word in Exodus 23:27 "I will send my terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter. I will make all your enemies turn their backs and run. I thank you Lord, for the power in your word that cause the enemies to turn their backs and run. In Jesus name.

Father in Jesus name I loose confusion and blindness of the god of this world, from our mind, that kept us from seen the light of the gospet of Christ. I call forth every word of God, that enter our mind, and heart that it would rise up in power within us.

Heavenly father, I thank you, I praise you, I worship you, I thank you for your word in Deuteronomy 28:7 The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. Thank you for your power, protection, and securities that you have given to your children. when we use the word, the enemies will not only flee, but they will flee in seven directions from us.
In Jesus name.

Father I thank you, for your strong hands, your broad shoulders, and righteous right hand. You tell us, in 1 Peter 5:7 to cast all our cares upon you, because you care for us. Lord I thank you for caring, thank you for being there for us when we need you.

Father in Jesus name I magnify your name, I give you all the honour, glory, that is due unto your holy name. Your word tells me in Joshua 1:5 No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Thank you Lord for your protection, and blessings.

Father I thank you, that your word in 3 John 2 tells me that your plans for us is to prosper, and be in good health, even as our soul prospers. I use the authority of your word, and claim prosperity, health, happiness, success, peace of mind, blessings, and every good things that you plans for us to have, over my life, love ones, property and all that belongs to me in Jesus name.

Heavenly father your word in luke 8:11 tells us that your word is seed, and our
hearts are the ground. Lord I ask you to prepare our hearts to receive your
word and hide them in our hearts, that we will not sin against you. in Jesus name.

Deliverance scripture prayers From the Book of psalms

1. Oh Lord defend me from those who rise up against me.Psalms 59:1

2. Let the enemies know that God rules the whole earth.Psalms 59:13

3. Lord I ask that you will save me, the waters are come in unto my soul. Psalms 69:1

4. Lord deliver me from out of the mire, let me not sink; deliver me from out of the deep waters. Psalms 69:14

5. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. Psalms 122:7

6. Lord let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end. Psalms 7:9

7. Lord break them with rod of iron, and deliver me oh lord. . Psalms 2:9

8. Lord I ask that you will bring them to confusion that seek to hurt me. Psalms 71:12

9. Oh Lord melt the desire of the wicked away, and deliver me.Psalms 7:9

10. Oh Lord my eyes shall see the desire of my enemies.Psalms 92:11

Healing Scripture Prayers

1. Psalm 91:16
With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.

2. Psalm 103:3 Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.

3. Jeremiah 30:17 But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD, `because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.'

4. Psalm 118:17 I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.

5 John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it ore abundantly .

6 Psalm 107:20 He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.

Names of God scripture prayers

1. I Bless your name Jehovah -Yireh — "The Lord will provide" (Genesis 22:13-14)

2. I Bless your name Jehovah -Rapha — "The Lord that healeth" (Exodus 15:26)

3. I Bless your name Jehovah -Niss"i — "The Lord our Banner" (Exodus 17:8-15)

4. I Bless your name Jehovah -Shalom — "The Lord our Peace" (Judges 6:24)

5. I Bless your name Jehovah -Ra-ah — "The Lord is my Shepherd" (Psalm 23:1)

6. I Bless your name Jehovah -Tsidkenu — "The Lord our Righteousness" (Jeremiah 23:6)

7. I Bless your name Jehovah -Shammah — "The Lord is present" (Ezekiel 48:35)


1. Oh Lord I command my hands to be lifted up and praise the Lord in Jesus name

2. Oh Lord I command my hands to be blessed, prosperous, and successful in all the things that are in the will of God for me to have in my life. In Jesus name.

3. Oh Lord I command my feet to walk in the path of righteousness, where I will fear no evil in Jesus name.

4. Oh Lord I command my eyes to stay focus on you, that I will never lose my focus. In Jesus name.

5. Oh Lord I command my ears to listen to positive things, that are of good reports.

6. Oh Lord I command my mouth to speak as an oracle of God, word of blessings to come out of my mouth.

7. Oh Lord I command my mind to be renewed with your words daily.

8. Oh Lord I command my entire body to be presented to you, as a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptabe to your service. In Jesus name.


1. Father in Jesus name I will give thanks unto the Lord, for you are good, your love, and mercy endureth forever. 1 chronicles 16:9

2. Father may you give us strength, may you bless us with peace in Jesus name Psalms 29:11

3. Father you told us that you will keep us from all evil, you will preserve our life. Lord you will keep our going out, and our coming in, from this time, forevermore. psalms 21:7-8

4. Lord I will give thanks to the Lord, I will call upon your name, make known among the nation what you have done for me. br> 1 chronicles 16:8

5. The grace of our Lord be with us all amen in Jesus name 1 thes 3:18


The enemy comes to steal, kill, and to destroy all that belongs to us. we must
be prepare to fight the enemies, know our weapons, use the word of God. We must
study the word of God and apply them to our daily lives.

Father your word in Jer 23:29 say your word is like hammer, that break the rocks
into pieces. I stand in agreement with your word, and break to pieces every
satanic plots, schemes and evil assignments of the enemies,in the four winds of the earth. in Jesus name.

Father your word in Hebrew 4:12" says that your word is quick, powerful,
sharper than any two edged sword." I take authority of your word the sword, and
pierce the soul, the spirit, joints and marrows, of every witchcraft powers,
every principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high
places, fiery darts of the enemies, secret enemies, known enemies, familiar
spirits, househouls enemies, and all othe powers of the enemies, that they will
be bind and cast in the abyss forever. in Jesus name amen.

Father your word in Jer 23:29 says your word is like fire, declare the Lord.
I use the fire of God almighty, to burn to ashes every assignments of the
enemy. Anything that was sent to me, follow me, transfered to me, or anything
that belongs to me. I bind them, and cast them into the lake of fire, now and
throughout eternity. In Jesus name.

Father your word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path Psalm 119:105.
I stand in agreement with your word, and use your light to shine in every
dark places where the sun does not shine. I exposed every evil works
that is done to my life, family, children, home finances, careers, ministry,
marriage, and all that belongs to us. Lord I thank you for rendering their
evil works powerless, dead, bind and calcelled in Jesus name.

Father your word in James 1:22-25" tells me that your word is like a mirror"
I use the authority of your word, and smashed, crushed, to pieces every demonic
mirrors, that the enemy is using to monitor our progress, success, blessings,
and all that belongs to us. I command the enemies, to see their own evil activities, failures, and downfall in their own demonic mirriors.
in Jesus name.

Father your word is like water that cleanse us from all sin and unrighteousness.
Ephesians 5:26-27. I use the water of the Lord God almighty to drowned the
enemies, in the red sea, all the pharoah's, the jezebels, the goliath's and
all other enemies of our progress Exodus chapter 15

Father your word tells me in Psalm 107:20 " That you word is like medicine"
I stand in agreement with your word that is like a medicine, and heal our hearts
of all hurts, physical healing, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I ask that
your word will restore us one hundred fold, of all that we have lost. in Jesus name.